Stockport Pathology

Matrix Search - Test Information

InvestigationChlamydia Detection
IndicationsChlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STI) that is caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. Symptoms of the disease may include pain when passing urine (Cystitis), vaginal and penile discharge, lower abdominal pain, pain during sex. Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacteria that can infect the eye. It is spread by hand to eye contact of an infected person. Symptoms may include swelling or irritation of the eye and discharge particulary in the morning.
Specimen TypeGenital Swabs/Urine/Eye Swabs
Request FormMicrobiology/ ward order com
Transport MediumOrange topped Abbott multi collect specimen kit
Volumeurine - first 20 to 30ml
Delivery Timewithin 24 hours
Storage Temp / Special conditionsBefore sampling - store at 15-30oC (expiry date on packs). After collection store at 2oC to 30oC for up to 14 days.
Turn around time for final test1 to 2 working days after receipt of sample
Related testsHigh Vaginal Swab
Low Vaginal Swab
Conjunctivitis Swab
Eye Swab
Penile Swab
Cervical Swab
HOW TO guidesNone
Information leafletsNone