Stockport Pathology

Matrix Search - Test Information

IndicationsTo ensure adequate and non-toxic levels of Itraconazole in the blood.
Specimen TypeOchre/Yellow top Clotted sample for Serum
Request FormMicrobiology or Electronic
VolumeFill to the Line
Delivery TimeA.S.A.P.
Turn around time for final testUpto 2 working days
Uncertainty of testingOral Therapy - A random blood sample is required. Intravenous treatment - A pre dose sample is required, followed by 2 Post dose samples. The first taken 1 hour post dose and the second 4 - 6 hours post dose.
Reference rangeTarget
Appropriate testing /re-testing interval"The trough level should be maintained above 0.5 mg/l.
Related testsNone
HOW TO guidesNone
Information leafletsNone